Following up on the Hugo, CO Weedy Water Story Last Week

So a while back we covered a story on small town Hugo, Colorado. Apparently, Hugo officials  called for a water advisory after traces of THC were found in the supply. In the end, it was nothing more than a false alarm. The story broke after a local company tested the water and reported traces of THC in "well #1." The town went into panic-mode, issuing a water advisory. Towns people were advised not to drink or basically do anything with water until further testing was done. Whelp tests were done, and turns out, it was a complete and utter false alarm. No traces of THC were found and the advisory was lifted. Well #1 was located about a mile out of downtown Hugo. There is now speculation that the tests were what was tampered with, not the well. Experts were skeptical toward the mere possibility of spiking water with THC anyway. “It would take more product than any of us could afford to contaminate a city water supply to the extent that people would suffer any effects,” Dr. John Fox, Lincoln County’s health officer, said in a statement Thursday (via - Denver Post). Apparently, according to the smarty-pants experts, THC isn't even soluble in water, making it impossible to contaminate an entire supply. A point several Facebook commenters chimed in on during the story's breaking. Just goes to show the sheer lack of knowledge of marijuana and cannabinoids. Maybe if Hugo kept up with the times and became legalized like the rest of Colorado, they would have someone who knew "spiking water with THC," was simply nonsense. But that is neither here nor there. Overall, the town is safe to enjoy their water at their leisure.  

What are your thoughts about Hugo's marijuana mishap? Should more towns and people be educated on the science behind THC? Share what you think below.

Magalie Noebes
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