If you haven’t heard, or haven’t seen it yet - the Rockies' color change has stirred some extreme responses.

For clarification, the organization has changed their color from one shade of purple... To another shade of purple. The Rockies color change went from a deeper more “blueish” purple, to a little more identifiably more “purpley” color. https://twitter.com/Rockies/status/831694932519874560 The organization justified the Rockies color change for a simple reason: Rockies director of retail operations Aaron Heinrich told Thomas Harding of MLB.com “Just watching us on games, at different parks [the color] looked different based on the lighting in the ballpark.” He continued, “In some ballparks, it looked like we were wearing blue. In some ballparks in was a dark purple.” Riveting moments in sports history folks.  https://twitter.com/SportsAMileHigh/status/826507616570400768?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw How this affects their gameplay, I have no idea. I’m not particularly a fan of baseball. What I AM a fan of is quippy twitter remarks: https://twitter.com/bendcrane/status/826534922860982274 https://twitter.com/EJ_Nazty/status/832450300824915968 https://twitter.com/dnadders/status/826271315430621184 https://twitter.com/tommy_t_256/status/826275398455529472 https://twitter.com/nikolazar/status/826285227068813316 https://twitter.com/jwhess01/status/826274497405841409 https://twitter.com/joebuffs22/status/826646883179307008 Rockies pitcher Chad Bettis’ response was plain and simple: “It’s purple, that’s for sure. That’s all I got.”  Granted the color is a bit lighter, and definitely purple. But in my honest opinion it’s not all that different. Maybe it’s my eyes? What do you think?

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Magalie Noebes
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