CDOT has partnered with Arrivo to test a hyperloop-inspired track that could get you from downtown Denver to DIA in a mere nine minutes.
Earlier this year, Colorado was one of 35 semi-finalists worldwide considered to pioneer a new way we travel. It has since been announced that Colorado will be the test site for the new transportation system that will get around at 200 miles per hour. Well, it's not exactly a hyperloop. It's a "hyperloop-inspired system." Basically, it's a mix between Elon Musk's ideas for reducing L.A. traffic and a hyperloop -- it'll be an elevated tube-based system that can transport cargo, move people inside specially-designed vehicles, or even one's car on a "sled." [caption id="attachment_27486" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]
The Colorado Department of Transportation is partnering with advanced transportation company Arrivo to construct the system.
Brogan BamBrogan, Arrivo co-founder and CEO, said, "We're calling it the High Speed Super Urban Network, which isn't as good as (the term) hyperloop. Really, our focus is on ending traffic. That should be catchy enough for anybody, especially in Denver."
Arrivo will test an enclosed electromagnetic track along E-470, just northwest of DIA. The goal is to get people anywhere in the Denver area within 20 minutes, which could alleviate all of the headaches one may experience while traveling to and from the city. A one-hour-and-10-minute drive from downtown Denver to Denver International Airport becomes a nine-minute journey. A one-hour long drive from Boulder to Denver turns into eight minutes.
Groundbreaking is set to take place in early 2018. The company is spending up to $15 million in investments, and has hopes of hiring 200 employees by 2020.
What are your thoughts on this new hyperloop-inspired track? Do you think it will help reduce traffic congestion in Colorado? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.