*Originally published in 2021
Updated on October 3, 2024:
Fall is the harbinger of cold weather, twirling leaves, and the inevitable long winter nights.
If you're keeping score, this is a good part of daylight saving time. On Sunday, November 3, 2 a.m. becomes 1 a.m., and you get that blissful extra hour of sleep. This is just the beginning of the long trek to the shortest day of the year, December 21.
Confused? Don't be—just remember to set your clock back an hour before you go to bed on November 2.
As the days get shorter, we'll have less and less time in the sun. This artificial time warp was designed to give people a fighting shot at actually seeing sunlight during a normal workday. The downside, of course, is that sunset comes sooner, and many people will be out and about in darkness much earlier.
The worst part of all of this is the infuriating reset-the-time-on-everything dance you have to do around your house. Some things just aren't worth the headache, IMHO.
The disorientation you feel during this time shift is real. Don't be so hard on yourself if you're a bit foggy for the first week or so. Things are much worse in the spring when we're all sleep-deprived AND confused.
Ultimately, the time change will soon be forgotten when we enter the "who-left-the-freezer-door-open" season. Don't forget to fall back!
What are your thoughts on daylight saving time? Does it make sense to you, or is it the bane of your existence?