Too often have I gone to the mall with just a general idea of what I was looking for and left with bags full of completely irrelevant items. Even worse, they were usually clothes or accessories I’d wear once and ask myself, “What was I thinking?!”
When it came time to improve my lagging professional wardrobe, I was afraid I’d have to sacrifice an arm and a leg to afford a complete reconstruction of my closet. Spending my entire savings wasn’t an option, but neither was showing up to work in ripped jeans and a t-shirt, so I had to learn to get creative. There are plenty of tricks you can rely on to create a professional style you’re proud of without being financially irresponsible. Here’s what worked for me: Keep a list of what you need. [caption id="attachment_6202" align="aligncenter" width="364"] Courtesy of[/caption] If you’re a compulsive buyer like me, you need to come up with a game plan before you go to the mall. A certain something may tempt you while you’re shopping, but when your budget’s tight you literally can’t afford to be frivolous with your money. Create a checklist on your phone, update it as you notice particular pieces missing from your wardrobe, and follow it strictly when you finally get around to shopping. For suggestions on what basic professional attire you should invest in, click here. Go for neutral base colors. [caption id="attachment_6203" align="aligncenter" width="357"]
Courtesy of[/caption] As satisfying as it is to treat yo’ self, when your finances are limited, you aren’t able to purchase a different outfit for every day of the year. For this reason, you should spend wisely on base items (skirts, pants, cardigans, etc.) in neutral colors (black, gray, navy, tan, etc.). These shades are both sophisticated and subtle, so likely no one will notice if you recycle them once or twice throughout the week. Invest in a black blazer. [caption id="attachment_6204" align="aligncenter" width="245"]
Courtesy of[/caption] This is one part of your professional wardrobe you could let yourself splurge on. Sometimes it’s okay to spend an extra dollar or two on apparel when you’re confident you’ll be getting your money’s worth. Although blazers, in particular, are such an integral part of professional attire, you can find them pretty much anywhere. Meaning, when you’re at the mall with your checklist you shouldn’t make a beeline for Nordstrom and drop $100+ on the first blazer you find. In fact, you can often find what you’re looking for, for half the price by checking out discounted stores, such as Nordstrom Rack. Blazers are an extremely versatile piece to add to your style. Frankly, I recommend going the extra mile and buying a super comfortable pantsuit. This way, you have one go-to professional outfit to fall back on. They’re especially handy for those with an important interview or meeting coming up and who are feeling unsure of the other party’s expectations for professional attire.