Giftcards and GoFundMe: How 20 Mile Tap House is supporting its staff!

April has been a rough month for local bars and restaurants. Stay-at-home orders to combat COVID-19 have forced these establishments to look for new ways to engage their customers. While being unable to seat patrons has made for numerous challenges, loyal customers are rallying around their favorite restaurants to support them through this difficult time—and eat some amazing food while doing it.

20 Mile Tap House is one such establishment that's seen a strong community response. Tucked just off Parker Road, this lively neighborhood pub boasts a beautiful view of the mountains and a penchant for live shows from local music acts. In the wake of COVID-19, they've seen an outpouring of support from Parker residents who just can't wait to go back, order some beers, and get excited over the NHL season.

Courtesy of Facebook
The stage at 20 Mile Tap House where countless local acts have performed. 

With over 18 beers on tap and a focus on representing Colorado's extensive craft beer traditions, the 20 Mile Tap House has become an institution for Douglas County residents looking for cold brews and tasty food.

Like many restaurants, 20 Mile Tap House found support by selling gift cards. Not only do these purchases help recoup lost profits for the month of April, but they also represent a guarantee that these restaurants will be ready and waiting to seat guests as soon as it is responsible to do so. 

Beyond gift cards and food orders, however, the restaurant industry has seen a lot of activity on GoFundMe. This fundraising platform allows for public donations to help local businesses retain their staff and keep them on the payroll. 20 Mile Tap House is one such establishment, and at the time of writing, their GoFundMe has already reached $3,400 of its $10,000 goal. The owners stress that every dollar raised through this fundraiser goes right to their staff. 

Although April has come with countless unique challenges, it has also afforded restaurants unique opportunities. Community efforts to help their local eateries have been nothing short of inspiring! 

Do you know any local restaurants in your area that would benefit from community support? Let us know and we may feature them in future articles! 

Andre Gilbo
Andre Gilbo is a content writer for OCN. In his spare time, he enjoys horror novels and trees.