HANOVER, Md. — The response to the mid-air crash was both immediate and immense.

“The responders realized that they had a plane crash and immediately escalated to a response that ultimately included about 300 people last night,” said D.C. Fire and EMS Chief John Donnelly.

Maryland’s Department of Emergency Management acted quickly taking charge of a whole government effort across county lines.

“Baltimore City has sent trained personnel and equipment, as well as Anne Arundel County and other counties right near the District of Columbia through mutual aid agreements and we’ve also sent state resources,” said Maryland Department of Emergency Management Dep. Secretary Chas Eby, “That includes the Maryland State Police who we’ve forwarded in assisting with some of their highly-trained dive teams as well.”

Eby says the recovery teams regularly train for such disasters and their experience was put on display here closer to home just last year.

“Some of the same first responders going to the district along the Potomac are people that also served and supported Maryland and Baltimore City during the bridge collapse so, yes, it is important and this is why it exists.”

And once again they are being put to the test, determined to respond on behalf of the victims and their families, no matter what challenges they may face.

“They’re really challenging conditions due to the weather and the cold water,” said Eby, “However, they have set up a system for rest and letting first responders go there and that’s why just the multitude of agencies and counties and the whole government approach is so important and that it’s coordinated closely with the District of Columbia as well as Virginia.”

While there’s no way to know how long the recovery effort will take, Eby says Maryland’s resources will be committed there as long as they’re needed.