It's safe to say that 2023 has been a solid year for cinema—from Oppenheimer to Barbie to Taylor Swift's upcoming Eras Tour concert film! And even though streaming is becoming more prevalent as the days go on, the movie theater is not going anywhere! So, if you're itching to experience new movie releases on the big screen, we've compiled a list of do's and don'ts for movie theater behavior, to ensure that the experience of others isn't tarnished in any way!
And honestly, a good chunk of the following do's and don'ts may seem pretty obvious, but you'd be surprised by how many aren't followed ...
Do's - Proper Etiquette in the Movie Theater:
Silence Your Phone
This one's no shocker. The theater will remind you with a brief video before the film, so make sure you're paying attention!
Keep Your Chewing to a Minimum
Many movie lovers avoid the theater for this reason. Nobody wants to hear aggressive chomping during a quiet yet tense scene.
Stay in Your Seat
People are next to you, in front of you, and behind you. Stay in your seat as much as possible, as it can be distracting or obstructing if you don't. And if you need to get up for any reason, do your best to not make distracting noises or movements.
Ensure Your Child Behaves
Many of us understand the troubles of being a parent. Do your best to make sure that your child behaves in the theater. Children do not understand that their talking or constant standing may interrupt the experience of other moviegoers. In fact, it may be worth keeping the kiddos at home until they're old enough to appreciate and enjoy the entire experience.
Enjoy the Film Freely
Do enjoy the film. There are situations where you'll clap, gasp, or laugh. Reactions to the movie are fine, as long as they do not become overreactions.
Give Others the Grace to React
A scene that is not shocking, funny, or scary may be so to others. Give those around you the grace to experience the film. Once again, it's fine as long as it's not exaggerated or distracting.
Be Kind to the Employees
Don't be rude to those doing their job. Sometimes, popcorn machines break or the projector goes down; these things can happen, but it doesn't mean you have the right to get mad at the employees trying to fix the issue. (This goes beyond the movie theater, by the way.)
Practice Good Hygiene
This is certainly necessary for those around you. And honestly, it's something that you should do everywhere you go, not just the movie theater.

Don'ts - What NOT to Do in the Movie Theater:
Leave Your Trash Behind
Ensure that all snacks make it to the trash at the end of the film. Even though movie theater employees come in after the film has ended and clean up prior to the next showing, it doesn't mean you should leave the auditorium a complete disaster. Pick up after yourself!
Kick the Back of Someone's Seat
Nobody's looking for a massage. Don't kick the seat in front of you. (This goes for airplanes, too, just saying ...)
Vocalize and React Excessively
There is definitely a line to reacting to scenes. if you think you're crossing it, you probably are.
Text or Simply Use Your Phone
The screen can be distracting to those around you. Leave your phone in your pocket, unless there's an emergency. And please, for the love of all that is good, keep it on silent, or at least on vibrate. Nothing ruins an intense scene like your phone's ringtone cutting into it.
Let Your Child Speak and Run Freely
Don't be that parent. Make your child aware of surroundings and situations. Again, if your kid is too young to remain seated and do so quietly, then they may be too young to be going to the movies.
Eat and Drink Obnoxiously
Absolutely nobody wants to hear slurping or chomping. (You're not home alone, after all.) Enjoy your snacks at the convenience of those around you.
During the movie, nobody is looking to meet new people. Talking, in general, can interrupt the viewing of the film. This is not social hour. Save the chatting for after the credits roll.
Throw Things
Films can generate reactions. None of those reactions should involve anything being thrown. Keep all food and items confined to your area. (Unless you're attending a special showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, of course.)
Spoil the Movie
It's common to see a movie in the theaters more than once. Understand that your second viewing may be someone's first, so don't spoil the film in any way.
Be Insensitive
Something that is non-comedic may make you laugh, but it may not be funny to others. Laugh at comedy, but don't let your personal sense of humor ruin a scene for someone else. (Re: "Vocalize and React Excessively" topic point.)
Block People's View
You're not at a concert venue where it's standing room only. Seats in most theaters are placed in stadium-style for a reason, as it allows everyone in the auditorium to have a view of the screen, regardless of where you're sitting. Don't stand up.
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