Residents of Mozley Park are demanding the Georgia Department of Transportation to establish noise barriers along Atlanta's I-20, where the relentless hum of traffic has become a daily uninvited guest. For three persistent years, local residents have fought for peace and quiet against the backdrop of eight lanes of non-stop noise, creating more than just an environmental issue, but also a health concern, as reported by WABE .

Their effort, so far have garnered attention from the press, and officials, however tangible results have yet to materialize. Decibel levels are reaching alarming heights, as Keith Palmer and Mia Pennington, co-founders of the Five Mile Project, noted in a "Closer Look" interview. The noise measured up to 75db, and has spiked as high as 101db during peak traffic times, a volume linked to serious health risks such as hypertension and stroke, according to the same WABE report.

However, the red tape is as thick as the traffic noise. Georgia Department of Transportation shared in communications that federal regulations are tying their hands. To even consider noise barriers, a Type 1 project needs to be on the table – encompassing major modifications such as highway expansion or ramp reconfiguration. Meg Pirkle, Georgia Department of Transportation’s chief engineer, explained in a letter to state Rep. Mesha Mainor, "Since there are currently no qualifying projects, we have no mechanism to evaluate traffic noise, and potentially provide additional noise abatement." Thus, for the time being, the Mozley Park community's plea for barriers remains unanswered, as reported by WABE .

The federal framework does allow for Type 2 noise abatement projects, but Georgia is among the states not signed up for this initiative. Despite these bureaucratic barriers, the Mozley Park coalition vows to push on. "We're not going to quit. We know it needs to be done," Palmer said firmly in the "Closer Look" interview. Echoing his tenacity Pennington added, "We refuse to take no for an answer. We want to try to rectify this for future generations." Their determination, is a clear indicator of a community ready to take on the long haul for change, as per WABE .