Instead of the Harry Potters, the 50 Shades, and The Hunger Games, maybe you should focus on motivational books that will change your overall success and happiness.

How often do you read motivational books that aim to enhance your health, success or happiness? We've found 5 books that aim to enhance your overall outlook on life.

"If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Happy?"

books University of Texas professor Raj Raghunathan discusses "mind addiction."  When considering offers from two jobs, you might take the job that pays the most instead of the one that gives the greatest pleasure. Raghuanathan tells us that disregarding our emotions is a bad idea even if the decision to make is a rational one.  It's an awesome read!

"The Happiness Track"

books Emma Seppla tells us that many people feel that happiness is at odds with professional success.  She believes that people end up workaholics convinced that the next big achievement will eventually make us happy. Seppala gives research data to make the case that happiness and low stress yields professional success in any field. This book is an excellent read for professionals and nonprofessionals alike.

"A Book About Love"

books Journalist Jonah Lehrer takes a look at how day-to-day maintenance is the key to the development of romantic love. He reports that love is something that we can't sit back and let happen.  It's something that can grow and change for the better.  The book is a great read for couples.

These books that will dramatically impact your life, giving you a new perspective and a brand new outlook.

"What Got You Here Won't Get You There"

books Psychologist Marshall Goldsmith tells us that the negative behaviors that we've displayed have not helped us succeed.  Instead, they may hurt us as we move up the professional ladder.  Goldsmith believes that it's important to receive feedback from co-workers to improve our overall selves.

"Negotiating the Nonnegotiable"

books Dan Shapiro uses what he learned as a conflict negotiator in the Middle East  to give us practical tips when handling business matters.  Shaprio discusses what Sigmund Freud called a "repetition compulsion," or pattern displayed in every conflict interaction.  This intriguing and awesome read is necessary for any person. Have you read any of these books? Do you have a motivational book that's changed your life? Tell us about it in the comments!

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