The pregnant waitress was stunned at the host's generosity.
Nev Schulman is used to changing people’s lives, as he does it all the time on his MTV reality show Catfish. And Schulman did just that when he made an impact on a Colorado woman.
Schulman was passing through Denver International Airport last week when he stopped to grab a burger at the airport’s Smashburger. Mom-to-be Zulia Reyes was his server that day, and she recognized him from the MTV show. The two got to chatting, and a strange coincidence came up—Reyes’ baby is due on the same day as Schulman’s birthday; September 26.
Reyes and Schuman took a picture together, and after he left, Reyes discovered a sweet surprise at the table.
Courtesy of Zulia Reyes (Facebook)
Schulman left her a very generous tip and one that was exactly the digits of his birthday and her baby’s due date: $926. Reyes was shocked and truly touched by the sweet gesture.
She makes her living as a server, and at 32 weeks pregnant, has had a lot of worry over money these last few months. Laid off from work for over a month at the height of the pandemic, she faced a difficult choice to go back to work while pregnant.
With her husband out of work and a baby coming very soon, Reyes said the tip means the world to her and her baby.
What other stories of kindness have you seen recently? Share with us in the comments.