Have you heard of the new SpotHero app?

Hate driving around in circles trying to find a place to park in Washington, D.C.? SpotHero is a new app that's revolutionizing the way that urban parking works. People in cities can now have a proactive way to find that perfect spot for their car -- and in a garage to boot! Here’s how it works:

Basically, SpotHero is a parking reservation app. The app partners will local parking garage facilities to ensure seamless operation. Based on the monthly rate that you pay, you can log in to the app in advance and reserve your parking spot. There are several monthly payment options available depending on how often you drive and park around the city. Whichever plan you choose, it’s much cheaper than paying the actual parking garage. The reason?
“We work with owners and operators to help sell unused inventory, as well as point parkers toward spots they might not know about. In exchange, we get to offer the spaces at a discount and pass the savings on to you!”
[caption id="attachment_10124" align="aligncenter" width="640"]spot hero Courtesy of Pinterest.com[/caption]
Once you’ve reserved the spot you want, SpotHero guarantees that a spot will be open for you in that facility. Though they don’t select a specific spot, they plan with the facility to make sure the garage doesn’t get overbooked and has the correct amount of availability. You can download the app on Android and Apple devices. If you try it and love it, you can refer a friend and get a $7 promo code, and your friend will get one, too! Learn more about SpotHero here. [caption id="attachment_10122" align="aligncenter" width="480"]spot hero Courtesy of dispatchcity.com[/caption] Love innovative apps that make your life easier? Learn about these must-have apps, as well as these cool friend-making apps. Have you given SpotHero a try yet? Comment with your thoughts below!

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Masha Berman
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