The New Year is celebrated across the world, but the traditions and their meanings vary. See what new year traditions different cultures take part in - you might even adopt a few!



tumblr_inline_mfxcbf2zfu1r44f5b Americans celebrate with a kiss at midnight - but do you know why? According to age old folklore, the first person you come across and how that meeting goes will set the precedent for the rest of the year. The kiss is symbolic of eagerness to strengthen bonds with those close to you, usually a significant other. It’s believed that people who don’t receive a kiss will face a year of loneliness, and couples who don’t kiss may have a rocky year ahead. So get to smoochin’!  


new year tradition Hogmanay is the term the Scots use in reference to New Year’s Eve. The celebration dates back to the Vikings and is considered the most important holiday of the year. It typically lasts 3-4 days, with the rowdy drinking and singing you’d expect from a Viking’s descendants. They also partake in “first-footing,” a tradition that requires a tall, dark man to be the first to step foot into a patron’s house after midnight. He must enter through the front door and leave out the back, but first drop off gifts like food and coal. Partaking in this New Year tradition ensures luck for the coming year.  


new year tradition Most of the Chinese New Year traditions are centered around folklore, family, and prosperity. It’s China’s most important celebration and can last up to 16 days. Adults fill red envelopes with money and give them to children in the family, symbolizing growth, health, and luck in the coming year. You'll likely see a lot of red - it's the color of luck here. Staying up late and setting off fireworks to ward off the “Year” monster is also custom here.  


new year tradition Denmark kicks off their NYE bash with a speech from their ruling monarch at 6 p.m. sharp, a New Year tradition that dates back to the 1880’s. At midnight, they climb to the highest spot in the house and jump off, which symbolizes overcoming any difficulties in the year ahead. And if you find a heap of broken china at your front door in the morning, don’t be surprised. The Danish take any chipped plates from the previous year and throw them at their friends’ doors as a sign of affection.  


new year tradition In Spain, the most famous New Year tradition is eating 12 grapes, in keeping with the 12 chimes of midnight. Do this and you’re in for a  year of prosperity and good fortune. Many Spaniards also believe that the first step of the new year should be with the right foot - literally starting the year off on the right foot.  

Costa Rica

new year tradition Start the night off right by having dinner with friends and family - and make sure pork leg is on the menu per this New Year tradition! Costa Ricans throw coins in their house for good luck in the coming new year, as well as wash the doorway after midnight to symbolize a new start.  


new year tradition Feeling a bit of wanderlust? Take a walk around the block with your suitcase during the Chilean New Year and it’s believed you will have good travels in the coming year. Ready to leave some things behind? Write your woes on a life-size dummy and watch it burn at the stake with your friends (good riddance, 2016!).  

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