Create a New Year's resolution with meaning!

It’s important that you not only make New Year’s resolutions that you can stick to, but resolutions that are also unique to you. Sure, everyone wants to be healthier, drink more water, and be kinder, but what about strengthening relationships? Or volunteering? 2017 will be the year of self improvement, but first you need to know yourself. Try this personality quiz to learn a little more about yourselfOnce you do, you'll understand your actions a little better and be able to apply the following steps for a more meaningful resolution.  How to set meaningful resolutions: Anyone can partake in the general resolutions such as “lose weight” or “clean your closet” but what about the resolutions that actually make you a better person? Making your resolutions more personal is the key to success. Setting meaningful resolutions are motivating, and you’re more likely to accomplish them. There are three ways to set meaningful resolutions:  
  1. Understand yourself and look in the areas of your life that need improvement. Whether it’s being kinder, being more considerate, or challenging yourself, these are the types of things that you should set your resolutions to.
        2.Write down your resolutions. Need suggestions?
  • Bake once a week and give whatever you make to someone you appreciate or love.
  • Compliment people more. You could make someone's day and not even know it!
  • Become more educated on specific topics by listening to books on audio. Change it up a little!
  • Create a to-do list for when you’re being lazy.
  • Start recycling.
  • Look at your personal relationships and see what it is that you love about that person, and then reciprocate those actions.  
  • Learn a new hobby. YouTube should be your best friend!
  1. Create a vision board. Vision boards are a tool to help clarify and maintain focus on specific goals you set for yourself. If you create your own, you will be more likely to follow them and make your resolutions a reality.  
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Before the new year is halfway over, take the time to create meaningful resolutions you can stick to!


As you’re reviewing your year, check out the best memes of 2016!

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