Pathway Homes will move to a new headquarters and will incorporate housing for the marginalized individuals it serves as part of the new buildout.

The nonprofit currently leases, owns and manages more than 500 properties across Northern Virginia to house marginalized individuals with mental illness and physical disabilities.

Pathway recently purchased a three-story, 19,000-square-foot building at 4010 University Drive in Fairfax City for $5 million. The purchase was partially funded with a contribution from the Potomac Health Foundation.

The nonprofit’s current headquarters location on Fairfax Boulevard is being redeveloped and prompted its search for new space.

It will take at least two years to build out its new headquarters, but in addition to its corporate offices, it will include at least 10 one-bedroom apartments for people with serious mental illnesses and other disabilities who are over 50 years of age. It will also include a food pantry, space for education programs and training, along with on-site support for residents.

“Pathway Homes needs a new home, and we plan to make it one that serves our community even better. It will give us the space to run the nonprofit while also providing direct services and housing to clients,” said Pathway Homes CEO Sylisa Lambert-Woodard.

The apartments will be available to clients with an income at least 30% below the area’s median income. All will be Americans with Disabilities Act accessible, with private kitchens and access to WiFi.

Pathway Homes was founded in 1980. Many of the residential units it owns are from family donations, or purchased with federal and state grants. It currently has more than 700 tenants in the apartments, townhomes and houses it owns or leases across Northern Virginia.

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