Bruce Springsteen's Broadway show will make you consider elements of your life you hadn't previously considered.

This month's Netflix pick may come as a bit of a surprise, simply because Bruce Springsteen is not the type of artist I, personally, would normally go for. The show is geared towards an older generation, that's what I'm trying to say. But that's not necessarily a bad thing!

However, I am prepared to defend this show and encourage you, the readers, to watch it because I've heard it's actually really good. (Watch Bruce Springsteen on Broadway on Netflix!)

I'm normally not much of a Bruce Springsteen fan (although, I did do a spell as a sportswriter in a previous professional life, which I believe automatically qualifies me as a Springsteen fan), but haven't necessarily been a hater either. Most of what I know about Bruce Springsteen on Broadway comes from this Esquire profile, but man I'm sold already.

According to the Esquire profile, Springsteen spends the show wrestling with one of the fundamental human questions: Are we our DNA? Or can we define who we are?

I'm not a psychology professor, and I would never want to be because I hate school, but wow! Now I'm thinking about that question and I don't have an answer. Maybe Bruce Springsteen does.

Bruce Springsteen probably has a more enlightened and thoughtful perspective on that than I do, if only because he's older than me and, therefore, has seen and done more of what life has to offer, so I'm willing to entertain his thoughts on the matter.

Have you watched Bruce Springsteen on Broadway on Netflix yet? If so, what did you think? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Check out our last Netflix Pick of the Month: Outlaw King!

Sam Klomhaus
Sam is really cool and you should be friends with him. He can't believe they let him write his own bio either! When Sam isn’t writing words, he’s usually reading books, playing sports, skiing, camping and rafting. Just kidding, usually he’s daydreaming. He lives in the woods.