The day has been recognized since 1988.

Today is October 11, a day also known as National Coming Out Day.

Celebrated since 1988, National Coming Out Day is "to raise awareness for individuals within the LGBTQ+ community," writes National Today.

Why October 11?

On October 11, 1987, a march was held in Washington for lesbian and gay rights, with more than 500,000 people participating. The cause gained momentum, lasting 4 months after the march had ended. It was during this time that a hundred people, who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community, created the national day on celebrating coming out. 

Since then, National Coming Out Day is celebrated every October 11 with processions and parades throughout the country.

How to Observe National Coming Out Day (Courtesy of National Today):

  • "Contribute to the Human Rights Campaign
    • This organization not only sponsors NCOD, but also dedicates itself to fighting for LGBTQ+ equality in many ways. It’s a worthy cause to support!
  • Support someone coming out
    • No way around it - coming out can be a difficult experience. Be an ally by accepting those that choose to share this part of their lives with you. If you yourself are on the fence about whether or not to share that important bit of your identity, consider taking advantage of the extra love today and make the leap, if the time is right for you.
  • Don a Pride symbol to raise awareness
    • The symbolic representations of the different groups encompassed in the acronym ‘LGBTQ+’ can be a very welcome sight to see for some who feel discriminated against or alone. Raise awareness of the movements by donning a pin or waving a flag, or post your support on a social media platform that you feel comfortable with!"
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