Domestic Violence Awareness Month sheds light on a very serious epidemic.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and buildings across the country are lighting up in the color purple to take a stand and bring awareness.

One in three women and one in seven men have been the victim of some form of domestic violence in their lifetime, as reported by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Twenty thousand domestic violence calls a day are made to domestic violence hotlines in this country, and over 10 million people every year are physically abused by an intimate partner. In the U.S., over 1,500 deaths are due to domestic violence every year.  

While most domestic violence we hear about is male on female, there are a large number of men who are physically abused by intimate partners. Physical violence at the hands of an intimate partner can occur in any income bracket, any race, any living situation. Often finances, children, employment, and other life issues can be triggers for the abuse, and victims will be afraid to leave an abusive situation.

Below are some national resources that are available to help those dealing with domestic violence:

Domestic violence is never an acceptable way to solve problems in a relationship. If you or anyone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, please reach out to one of the organizations listed above. If you need immediate help, please call 911. There are also many local organizations and groups that offer immediate and long-term support to domestic violence survivors on a local scale.

Please share with us in the comments any other organizations that support victims of domestic violence.