It’s no news to Coloradans that the interstate between Monument and Castle Rock is a precarious, sometimes dangerous drive. Plans to widen the stretch have been talked about for years, but some officials are determined to make it a priority in 2017.
The 20-mile stretch is often referred to as the “I-25 gap,” because it only has four lanes versus the normal six to eight. On average, the corridor sees 60,000+ travelers per day, a number projected to grow exponentially over the next few years.
High speeds, heavy traffic, and little to no room on the shoulder have already proved to be a fatal mix. In late November the highway received national attention when Colorado State Trooper, Cody Donahue, was struck and killed on the stretch.
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The late Trooper Donahue pictured with his 2 daughters /
That’s why State Rep. Paul Lundeen, R-Monument, says the 10 years projected by
CDOT to finish the widening project is too long. In an effort to shorten the process, Lundeen is asking that the two studies required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) be completed simultaneously rather than concurrently.
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when.
Although one analysis began in August, it won’t be finished until at least May 2018. The second study can only begin when a complete source of funds has been identified. To Lundeen, the I-25 gap is an exception to the rule because of the danger it presents on a daily basis. “I’m not saying do the study incorrectly, I’m simply saying undertake it; begin it immediately,” says Lundeen.
For El Paso County Commissioner Mark Waller, it’s a matter of where Colorado spends its money. Although the general fund money for Colorado has grown by 40%, Waller says transportation funds haven’t increased at all.
In an effort to prioritize road safety, he says he would like to see more of Colorado’s funds for corrections and medicaid directed back toward transportation. Waller points out that although Colorado dwarfs Wyoming and Utah in population growth, both states spend twice as much as Colorado on transportation.
“Everybody agrees it needs to get done, but there’s very little agreement on how. That’s where the rub is,” says Waller.
Lora Thomas, who takes office for Douglas County commissioner on Jan. 10th, says she believes a partnership between the counties, CDOT, and federal sources will help the project move along at a faster pace. In order for Douglas County to help with funds, Thomas says she’d like to see the current 1% sales tax restructured.
“I’m stepping forward and saying this is a public safety concern, and I would like to go to the voters in November 2017 and ask their approval to move .43% of the sales tax fund to fixing I-25,” said Thomas.
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Lora Thomas during her time as a Colorado State Trooper. Thomas patrolled the I-25 gap in the 1980's.[/caption]
Thomas, a retired Major with the Colorado State Troopers, once patrolled the troublesome stretch of road. “The road looks today very much like it did when I was a trooper in ‘84,” says Thomas, noting that it hasn’t changed despite a booming population.
Area residents and businesses have been affected as well, frustrated by undependable drive times and loss of productivity. That’s why local resident Anne Howe started the
Fix I-25 NOW Facebook group, where members of the Colorado community continue to join in growing numbers. Members like Stephanie G. share their stories:
“We live in Pueblo but my husband works in the Denver area. The stress of the daily commute has been bad for our health! He was recently side swiped in the Monument to Castle Rock area and no one was ticketed because they had to move so far down the road to get to a safe spot that the CSP couldn't verify evidence.”
Area residents are encouraged to attend a pair of meetings held by CDOT at the end of January to voice concerns like Stephanie’s. “We really need to pack these CDOT meetings or nothing will change,” says Howe.

The first meeting will be Jan. 24, from 5 to 7 p.m. at Pikes Peak Library 21c, 1175 Chapel Hills Drive in Colorado Springs. The second meeting will be Jan. 26 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Douglas County Fairgrounds, 500 Fairgrounds Road in Castle Rock.
Have you traveled the I-25 gap? Tell us about your personal experience in the comments!