Maryland Public Schools are requiring some new vaccines this year, so if this will impact your kids, listen up. 

On the first day of school, your child will have to prove vaccination so make sure you send them on their way with all the correct paperwork. It’s very important that the school knows your kids are immune to the disease, for the safety of themselves and other children. 

“Students in kindergarten through fourth grade need two doses of the chickenpox vaccine. Also, students entering grades seven through 11 need Tdap and meningococcal vaccines."

It is a serious enough policy that if your child does not present the correct documentation, they might not be able to attend the first day of school. So make that doctor appointment (like right now) if you haven’t yet. 

And while we’re on the subject of vaccines, to be on the safe side, it may be wise to make sure your child gets vaccinated beyond just the requirements of Maryland Public Schools. It may be helpful to take a look at all the CDC recommended vaccines. 


Courtesy of

If you’re located in Virginia and Washington D.C., 

“health departments in D.C. and Virginia have made no changes this year, but offer universal advice encouraging parents to protect children and the community at-large by getting children vaccinated.”

Is your kid ready for their first day of school in Maryland? Make sure you know everything you’re going to need to present and prove, and think about what other precautions you can take for the safety of not just your own child, but all the students in the school. 

Need to get your back-to-school shopping done? Here are some pro-tips for parents!

Masha Berman
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