Question: I have a friend who wants to know the best time to prune crape myrtles. I told him February. Is this correct? Answer : Pruning crape myrtles is always a hot topic. Some want to do heavy restrictive pruning and other gardeners do very little. Here is the story. Crape myrtles don’t seem to mind how you prune them. Some gardeners cut them back to the same spot each year, others remove old seed heads and somewhat reduce the length of stems. Many gardeners do nothing but remove suckers from the base of the shrub or tree forms and entangled branches or limbs that may affect movement around the plants. And here’s the good news. The crape myrtles usually resume growth in spring and produce lots of blooms. After heavy pruning the blooms are more concentrated on clusters of limbs. With light pruning the blooms are more openly distributed over the plants. Normally mid- to late January through February is the time to do needed pruning. Q: My crape myrtles are growing in an area that has become shady by nearby oaks and have reduced flowering. Will cutting them back stimulate more blooms? A: Regretfully your crape myrtles have been overtaken by shade and probably won’t be good flowering shrubs again. These are sun-loving plants that gradually decline as they become shaded. Most likely you are going to replace them as they loose limbs and stop flowering. Q: Portions of my dwarf yaupon hollies are turning brown. What is causing them to die? A: A fungus is lurking among your hollies. It is common for compact and often heavily pruned dwarf yaupon hollies to develop one of several fungal organisms. The fungus invades the stems and causes sections of plants to decline. Try pruning out the dead back into green stems and then spraying the plants with a systemic fungicide following label instructions. Allowing these shrubs to have a more open growth habit with less pruning can help reduce the fungal activity. Reduce watering to only when needed during the dry times and none during the rainy season. Q: My large hibiscus shrubs were damaged by roof-cleaning chemicals. They were hosed off but all the leaves have died. I watered heavily. Anything else I can do? Plant Doctor: What is needed to have good flowering bougainvilleas? A: So sorry for your plant loss but this can happen when bleach or similar cleaning agents contact plants. You have done all that is practical to save the hibiscus. No more watering until the soil starts to dry. Additional heavy watering would likely lead to root rot and further plant decline. Hopefully the chemicals are bound up or broken down in the soil. Periodically scratch the stems of the hibiscus to see if they are green and surviving. It may take weeks before new buds can form and open. Q: Do I need to be concerned about flat grey growths on the limbs of my grapefruit tree? They almost look like lichens? A: Good job diagnosing this concern. Those are lichens growing on the surface of the grapefruit bark. This one is very flat and a bluish gray color. Lichens cause no harm to your plants and are a combination of a fungus and algae growing symbiotically together. Sometimes lichens grow very heavily when there are other plant problems but this is not the case with your tree. There is no need to be concerned or apply a treatment. Q: I’m getting restless to do some heavy pruning of my Florida anise about 10 feet high and red cordyline which is currently flowering. I’d like to cut each in half. Is now a good time? A: Can you take a little time out to do research in a good garden book, start some seeds for transplants or maybe pull some weeds? Good pruning time is only about a month away. Perhaps the anise won’t mind the heavy pruning but the cordyline, most likely a Ti plant, is not going to be happy. Anise shrubs that can grow to tree forms are hardy and should not be affected by some of the cold weather that could still be ahead. Cordyline are cold sensitive and most likely still going to be damaged by winter weather. Delaying the pruning of this shrubby perennial until early or mid-March is advisable. Q: Due to Hurricane Milton my tomatoes got a late start but now they are finally beginning to ripen. As they turn red, an insect burrows into the side. What can I do to get good tomatoes? A: Those darn caterpillars are at it again. Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean they won’t like one of these ready-to-eat fruits too. You have the option of staring the critters down and picking them off the plants but it’s not easy as many blend in with the plant portions. Perhaps a more practical method is the use of a low-toxicity natural caterpillar control of Thuricide or a spinosad-containing product. Both can be found at independent garden centers. Follow the label of the product selected to control the caterpillars and start harvesting intact fruits. Q: Leaves of my aglaonema plants growing on a patio all of a sudden have turned yellow. Any idea what’s happened? A: Aglaonema plants often marketed as varieties Silver Queen, Maria, Emerald Beauty and others do not like the chilly weather. When the temperatures dip below 50 degrees you can expect yellow leaves to appear. Remove the damaged foliage and bring the plant indoors during the cooler weather. Your plant is going to need warm weather to regrow new green foliage.