Precautions when traveling by RV with your pet
RV travel has many benefits, but one of my personal favorites is the ability to bring your pup everywhere
With the holiday season, comes holiday travel. At Transwest Truck, Trailer, and RV they suggest that if you bring your furry friend along with you in your RV, you should follow these precautions to assure a memorable and safe trip!
Prior to departing:
-If your pet has ever acted frightened or nervous while traveling in the car, it is recommended that you have your pup visit the vet prior to taking them on a long road trip. It’s important to consider their age and health before RV travel. -It is extremely important that you do your research. It’s crucial that you make sure your pet is welcome at the park you will be visiting. It also would be wise to locate local pet stores and emergency vets just in case you run out of food or need something ASAP. -Bring all vaccination records and other health related documents, as most campgrounds and RV resorts require them. -Depending on the time of year that you travel, you may want to make sure that you bring insect repellents and sunscreens made specifically for pets.