Here are some ways you can contribute toward justice, freedom, and peace.

Want to help fight racial injustice but don't know how or what to do? Here are a few causes that stand for justice, freedom, and peace.

1. Black Lives Matter

Since 2013, the organizers at Black Lives Matter have been working to eliminate white supremacy and support black communities in America and several other countries. The organization showcases the creativity and ideas of the community while standing up to injustices and working toward goals of justice, freedom, and peace. Donate toward the Black Lives Matter cause here.

2. Black Visions Collective

Founded in 2017, Black Visions Collective has worked to "shape a political home for Black people across Minnesota." By working on goals fueled by healing and justice, Black Visions Collective builds local movements to benefit the local communities. You can contribute to this Minnesotan initiative here.

3. Campaign Zero

Campaign Zero does the research, collects the data, and formulates the solutions necessary to take steps toward living in a country without police brutality. Campaign Zero has researched and formulated several key processes that countries with fewer police killings use. Campaign Zero then works with community leaders and policymakers to start talking about and working toward policy to take the steps necessary to reduce America's police killings. Support Campaign Zero so they can continue their research and outreach.

4. Fair Fight

Every citizen should have the power to make an impact on their government through voting. However, for many, finding a polling station or falling victim to a voter registration purge is the reality. Founded by Stacey Abrams, Fair Fight works in Georgia at the grassroots level to make sure that everyone has the right to vote. Additionally, they expose when elections are mismanaged, corruption is discovered, and the voting population is met with any disenfranchisement. Fair Fight is looking to expand its grassroots initiative across the country, and by making a donation, you can help with that.

5. Know Your Rights Camp

Founded by Colin Kaepernick, Know Your Rights Camp was started to provide people of color the avenues to obtain the education, empowerment, and organizational training necessary to advocate for themselves and their community. The main goal of the organization is to give youths of color the tools needed to become the leaders of tomorrow. You can contribute toward this cause and help shape the future.

These charities are a great place to start, however, there are likely several charities local to you that would help your personal neighborhood and community. If you know of any other charities worth mentioning, please let us know! Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay informed!