I've got to be honest. Carving a pumpkin can be a pretty messy endeavor! But the pay-off is oh so worth it! We've collected some of the best pumpkin-carving techniques and compiled them into this handy pumpkin-carving guide! (You're welcome.) So get your tools out; it's pumpkin-carving time!

1. Choose a winner.

When you're perusing the selection at the pumpkin patch or grocery store, settle on a pumpkin with a flat bottom (so it doesn't roll) and a nice sturdy stem. Don't underestimate the importance of getting this right. Picking the wrong pumpkin will absolutely make or break your carving experience (no pressure or anything!). You can buy it whenever you want, though—even several weeks before Halloween. The "rotting time clock" shouldn't really start until you carve into it. 

(Just kidding about picking the wrong pumpkin. It's just a pumpkin.)

2. Carve closer to Halloween.

Plan to carve the pumpkin within two or three days of when you want to display it. So, if you want your jack-o'-lantern to grace your porch to greet trick-or-treaters on October 31, maybe wait until October 28 or 29 to dig into it. Otherwise, it might rot.

3. Gather your materials.

4. Choose and cut your lid/opening.

While pumpkin carvers traditionally have always cut the lid around the stem, experts now recommend cutting a hole in the back of the pumpkin instead. The stem still supplies the pumpkin with nutrients and moisture, so leaving it intact will keep the pumpkin fresher for longer. Wherever you cut into it, keep your knife blade at an angle to the pumpkin instead of straight up and down. That way, the lid will have a nice ledge to sit on and won't fall right into the pumpkin's interior.

5. Scoop all the guts out of the pumpkin.

All of them. Leaving any gooey strings of pulp and innards inside the pumpkin will just cause mold to grow. Scrape the insides with a spoon or ice cream scoop until the area (or face) where you plan to carve is about an inch and a quarter thick. This is going to take some elbow grease, so be prepared! Scoop all the guts into the bowl; later, you can separate the slimy seeds from the stringy pulp (painstaking work!) and bake them. Yum!

6. Carve your design.

If you have a template, attach it to the face of the pumpkin with painter's tape. If not, you can simply draw the design directly onto the pumpkin's face. To make carving easier, poke or drill holes along the outline with a nail, drill, or another small tool. Then, hold the pumpkin in your lap while you carve to have a better angle on it. This is where your water bottle comes in; spraying the pumpkin to moisturize as you carve will help keep the pumpkin more receptive to your "manipulations." 

7. Add finishing touches.

Use leftover pumpkin scraps creatively to improve your design. Use a nail file to file off any rough edges. Slather petroleum jelly on the raw edges to seal in moisture and keep your jack-o'-lantern from shriveling. Sprinkle a dash of cinnamon inside so that when you light the candle, it will smell even more divine (than a warmed pumpkin already does!).

8. Create a chimney hole.

Place your candle inside and light it, then put the lid back on. After a few minutes, remove the lid and carve a small hole where the smoke from the candle has blackened the pumpkin interior while trying to escape. This is your "chimney."

9. Clean up your mess.

Hence, the trash bags!

10. Light your jack-o'-lantern.

If you prefer, forego the lit candle and use a battery-operated votive, LED, or CFL light instead. If you follow earlier advice and cut the opening in the back of the pumpkin, electrical lighting is made even easier.

And voila! Those are the steps to a successful pumpkin-carving experience! Do you have any more techniques for pumpkin-carving success? Maybe a favorite template? Please share in the comments below! Also, we'd love to see photos of your jack-o'-lantern creations! Please share them with us. Maybe we'll even compile them into a fun post of favorite pumpkin masterpieces!

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J. Moore
A synesthete who sees the world in vivid color, Joy is all about soaking up life experiences -- and then translating those experiences into words. Freckle-faced and coffee-fueled, Joy is on a personal quest to visit all 50 states in her lifetime (40 down!), see all the Broadway musicals, and eat all the tacos. For fun, she plays the piano, diagrams sentences, and solves true crime stories from her couch, along with her husband of 20 years and their teenage daughter.