Many people are getting desperate and cutting or dyeing their hair while in quarantine, and the results are ... interesting.

Hair salons, barbershops, and beauty shops are shut down worldwide, and it's resulting in some pretty hysterical "quarantine hair" from folks all over social media.

Many folks are now turning to family or their own two hands and kitchen scissors to get that fresh look. We've seen people (mostly celebrities) posting about embracing their gray hair, while others are giving us a rare look at their natural curly locks. Home stylists all over the world are sharing their home hair care success, as well as some pretty epic fails, and we just can’t stop looking 'em all. 

Check out all of the craziest (and funniest) quarantine hair below!

Kelly Ripa is on “Root Watch”—girl, we feel you!

Kevin Hart just told us his hair secret … he's a frequent dyer with a natural salt and pepper look. 


Jennifer Love Hewitt did what a lot of us have thought about doing ... she went hot pink.


Pink is exactly like all of us, and we love her for it.


Quarantine diaries

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We don’t know if this is a good idea, but we're going to watch it anyway.

And it's not just celebrities; we are all doing weird stuff to our hair and posting it on the internet so we can prove it later.

Just ... no.


Oh, dear … maybe he won’t notice?

Welcome to the club.

Yep, we are all experiencing some sort of desperation right now …

Become one with the rainbow.

Was this on purpose?

Many will be wondering the same thing.

This gal posted a tutorial using her boyfriend as an example and got a lot of attention.

We want to know what is going on with YOUR hair right now! Share your crazy quarantine hair stories with us in the comments! (And pictures—or it didn't happen!)