Why are you running for this office, and what specifically makes you a better candidate than your opponent?
I have spent my life trying to improve my community. While I’m proud of the tangible results I’ve had so far — from passing the most comprehensive gun violence prevention legislation in Florida’s history to helping communities rebuild in the wake of natural disasters to ending sham impeachment inquiries against President Biden — I know that my work is not yet finished.
My extensive experience in government roles is the biggest factor that differentiates me from my opponent. I have earned a reputation for effective bipartisan action because I work hard to make a difference for people in need and ensure government fulfills its obligations to our community. There is no comparison between my record and my opponent’s.

What are the three most important issues facing this congressional district?
Firstly, the cost-of-living issues and kitchen table economics must be addressed. Too many families are hurting because of inflation and the high price of commodities. The people hit hardest by this squeeze are those who were already living on tight budgets and fixed incomes. We need to keep the cost of living under control. Healthcare costs were rising long before the current economic situation, which is why it’s urgent that the federal government takes action to address the rising prices of prescription medications and health insurance. I introduced legislation to reduce homeowners’ insurance costs, and I intend to continue working on solutions that make housing more affordable.

Secondly, protecting our democracy and the social safety net is a priority affecting this congressional district and all others. If we cannot protect longstanding democratic institutions and stop attempts to undermine the rule of law, it will be impossible to affect change on other priorities.

Finally, gun violence sadly remains part of this district’s identity. The tragedy at MSD is a scar on our community, and I’ve worked hard to turn that pain into action to prevent gun violence. In America, I believe we should be able to make parents a simple promise: when you drop your kids off at school, you get to pick them up alive. Our community deserves that peace of mind. I championed the Florida gun violence prevention law after the Parkland school shooting, and I have been advocating for federal laws to follow the model we created here.

What more should America be doing to protect our environment and critical ecosystems?
From my firsthand experience with disaster mitigation, I know how important it is that we take immediate and bold action to address worsening environmental threats and the underlying human causes contributing to them. I think Members of Congress need to incorporate environmental and economic sustainability into all policy conversations because these issues do not exist in a bubble, they are interconnected with all other policy initiatives.

We should continue pursuing Paris Accord environmental standards, incentivize corporations to reduce harmful emissions and find more environmentally friendly methods of productions, and allow the job growth created by new green-related technologies lead the way to making economic and environmental progress. We also need to ensure that federal protections on land, water, and air quality are followed and strengthened. This includes expanding protected areas, investing in sustainable infrastructure, and prioritizing the health of vulnerable communities disproportionately affected by environmental degradation.

What is your opinion of how Israel has conducted its military operations in Gaza?
Israel has a fundamental right to protect itself, and as its strongest ally, we have a responsibility to support their security. The situation in Gaza is complex and tragic, and Israel faces a difficult task in trying to neutralize threats while operating in an environment where terrorist organizations, like Hamas, often use civilians as human shields, put weapons in schools and hospitals, and spread misinformation on social media with the help of Iran.

While Israel should take every precaution to minimize civilian casualties, it is also critical to recognize that the root cause of the conflict stems from ongoing acts of terrorism and the refusal of groups like Hamas to recognize Israel’s right to exist. I am fully supportive of a ceasefire that involves the return of all hostages, and the end of Hamas’s terrorist actions and rule over Gaza.

Do you support or oppose the Florida abortion rights measure known as Amendment 4, and why?
Absolutely, I support Amendment 4. Roe v. Wade was settled law and never should have been overturned. I fully believe that all women have a right to make medical decisions about their own bodies. Amendment 4 is a necessary protection to ensure all Floridians are afforded this essential right, and I will continue to fight for federal protections as well.

What changes would you support to reduce mass shootings in the U.S, and do you support or oppose reinstating a federal ban on assault-style weapons?
As a State Representative, I championed the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act, which introduced meaningful gun violence prevention measures, including raising the minimum age to purchase firearms and implementing “red flag” laws. I wanted to ban assault-style weapons as part of that effort, but it would not have passed the Republican-controlled legislature with that provision included. The law that passed has proven effective in keeping guns out of the hands of those who pose a danger to themselves and others. I believe that similar provisions should be enacted at the federal level to help reduce the incidence of mass shootings across the country.

I strongly support reinstating a federal ban on assault-style weapons. Alongside this, expanding background checks to all firearm purchases and closing existing loopholes are essential steps in preventing dangerous individuals from obtaining firearms. By passing these measures at the national level, we can build on the progress made in Florida and take significant steps toward reducing gun violence in the U.S.

Did Joe Biden legitimately win the 2020 presidential election, and why?
Yes, next question.

Win or lose, will you pledge to accept the results of your own campaign and the 2024 presidential election?
Yes. Also won’t incite a violent mob while we are at it.

Do you support or oppose an 18-year term limit for Supreme Court justices, and what other changes would you support to restore respect for the court?
We desperately need ethics reforms for the Supreme Court. I believe the justices and judges confirmed by the Senate should have the same ethics rules and requirements as the Senators who confirm them. Also, I fully support restoring the 60-vote threshold for confirming Supreme Court justices, which will bring a requirement for bipartisan cooperation back to the process.

Describe in detail any demographic, economic or social factor about your congressional district that sets it apart from others.
FL-23 is a diverse district, and the factor that sets it apart from being a true cross-section of the rest of the country is our large Jewish population. In addition to representing my own culture and beliefs, I feel a major responsibility to the Jews in my district to speak out against antisemitism and anti-Zionism. We are targets of white supremacist movements in addition to misinformed attacks by those who are uneducated about the history of antisemitism and the Jewish people. I will not allow my Jewish community to ever again face the persecution felt by my Holocaust-survivor grandparents.

Have you ever been arrested, charged or convicted of a crime, received a withheld adjudication or had a matter sealed or expunged? If yes, please explain.

Have you been a plaintiff or defendant in a civil action, including bankruptcy or foreclosure or had a restraining order issued against you? If so, please explain.
Yes, I have been sued as an elected official.