Election Day is right around the corner!

With all of the loud public discussions about the election, it's easy to forget when it's actually happening. Election Day in the United States falls on Tuesday, November 3, this year, and it's currently less than a month away! However, you plan to vote, confirming your voter registration now can save you some serious headaches as we get closer to November. To help smooth things out, we've put together a handy list of resources to help you make sure that your voice is heard. 

If You Aren't Registered to Vote

Forty states (plus the District of Columbia) will let you register online by going to Vote.gov. From here, you can register using the resources on the website. 

Additionally, you can download the National Mail Voter Registration Form. This form can either be filled out onscreen and printed or filled out by hand. Either way, make sure to sign the form before sending it to the location that's provided for your state.

Additionally, there may be voter signup drives hosted by local chapters of political parties in your area. Many of these have been moved to digital platforms due to COVID-19 restrictions, and they can vary dramatically from state-to-state. If you've got questions about voter registration that can only be answered in person, these can be useful, but we encourage you to use your best judgment when attending live events. 

If You Want to Check Registration 

The easiest way to check voter registration status is through the NASS (National Association of Secretaries of State) portal. Even if you're 95% sure that you're registered to vote, it never helps to confirm it ahead of the election. By confirming your status ahead of time, you avoid any potential surprises popping up on Election Day. 

Checking your status ahead of time is also a good way to make sure that all of the information in your voter registration is current. If you've gotten married or moved since the last time you voted, it's possible that your current info might be a mismatch! Once again, it never hurts to confirm.

If You're Planning to Vote by Mail

Voting by mail varies significantly from state-to-state. Some states (like Colorado) will automatically send ballots to voters, while others require you to manually request an absentee ballot or provide an excuse for voting by mail. If you're planning to vote by mail, find out early what your state's policy is. NPR has a handy breakdown of the requirements per state, along with links for voter resources by state.

Voting on Election Day is an important part of participating in our democracy. Whoever you plan to vote for, casting a ballot is a way of making your voice heard in November!

*Author's note: All of this information is directly sourced from .gov websites and AP verified organizations. In the process of writing this article, a writer who thought they were properly registered found out that they were not. IT never hurts to check! 
Andre Gilbo
Andre Gilbo is a content writer for OCN. In his spare time, he enjoys horror novels and trees.