If you grew up in the '90s, you remember slime. The infamous Nickelodeon show is making a comeback this year with Double Dare Live -- and it's coming to Norfolk.

If getting slimed was your childhood dream, you might finally get your chance.

A live reboot of the popular 1990s Nickelodeon show Double Dare is touring the nation as Double Dare Live, and they're making a stop in Norfolk.

You can go see Nickelodeon's Double Dare Live and fulfill your lifelong aspiration to be drenched in a lime-green liquid of mysterious origin at Constant Convocation Center on November 4, at 3 p.m.


Courtesy of Nickelodeon

The Double Dare Live tour schedule was announced the week of Aug. 20. The nationwide tour will hit 14 cities, including Charlotte, North Carolina; Newark, New Jersey; and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. More tour locations are expected to be announced.

Tickets are already on sale. If you want to be a contestant, participants can register October 1 on the show's website.

The hit show Double Dare, where contestants compete in challenges to avoid getting drenched in slime, originally aired on Nickelodeon from 1986 to 1993. The show more than tripled the network's viewership, making Double Dare the most popular and longest-running program in Nickelodeon's history. After the series ended in 1993, a TV reboot ran in 2000 prior to the live revival announced this year. 

Despite the show's 1993 cancellation, slime quickly became a Nickelodeon hallmark. Numerous spin-offs emerged, and slime wasn't just a feature of Double Dare; it became a trademark of the network as a whole. Even if you're too young to remember the original Double Dare, you might remember Slime Time, The Splat, Figure It Out, Slimetime Live, or the Slime Cup -- all programs which carried on Nickelodeon's slime tradition.

Now the tradition lives on. This November, your favorite childhood game show is back, slime and all. Get your November 4 tickets to Double Dare Live at Constant Convocation Center here.

Do you remember slime?! You know watching kids get slimed on TV was the most iconic '90s thing ever. Get nostalgic with us in the comments on Facebook :)

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Alice Minium
Alice is a reporter at Our Community Now writing about culture, the internet, & the Society We Live In™. When she's not writing, Alice enjoys slam poetry, historical fiction, dumpster diving, political debates, FOIA requests, and collecting the dankest of memes.