Two years ago, the city of Fort Collins started having conversations about disruptive behaviors Downtown.

“At that time, surveys showed that behaviors were panhandling, groups or individuals sitting or lying on sidewalks and aggressive, intimidating behavior.” In response to the feedback they received in the survey the City has been since been working to figure out a solution. And that’s where we end up with the question: “Should the benches in Old Town Fort Collins have time constraints?” The complaints have continued and the city wants to know if the public thinks that behaviors should be regulated. A draft of the proposed ordinances would ban sitting, kneeling or lying down within 20 feet of transit facilities (with a two hour time limit) and within 10 feet of public restrooms. Other questions that are being raised are how would this actually be regulated? The Fort Collins Police Department have been apart of the conversation but everyone is well aware that enforcing a time limit on benches and sidewalks is a complex issue. What are your thoughts on this issue? The City of Fort Collins is holding two public meetings and an online survey on the suggested changes that you can attend and fill out.

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