Craving movie theater popcorn and a large ICEE to go with it? Here are five healthy snack options for a better alternative at the movies!

I always seem to struggle when I go to the movies to find a healthy snack option. Of course I want a large popcorn, a soda and maybe even some candy to top off my sweet tooth. I find it hard to maintain a healthy balance or know what the best option would be to choose from at the movies. I like to maintain my healthy diet, so how can I not cheat too much when I go see the newest flick? healthy Instead of always getting the biggest size or the most fattening item, try to get a smaller portion instead. After going through dozens of movie theater menus and offerings, here are some options that will be less calories and sugar.
  1. Half a box of gummy bears (200 calories). This is a great option oposed to a bag of peant M&Ms.
  2. Small slushy (200 calories). Much better than a large Coke flavored ICEE.
  3. Soft Pretzel with mustard (400 calories). Take this option over large nachos with cheese sauce.
  4. Hot Dog (275 calories). A great source of protein that will not be as fattening as nachos or pizza.
  5. Small popcorn (300 calories). Try this size before you automatically go for a large!
A great alternative if you want more than one thing is to go for the kids pack or the kids meal. This usually includes a small popcorn, small sweet treat and a small drink of choice. This is a great way not only for kids to be able to have something at the movies but adults too! A plus is that this option is always cheaper. Instead of getting the large popcorn with extra butter, nachos with extra cheese, or large peanut M&Ms think of these alternatives first. You still get to eat a treat but just having the portions be in moderation is the key. healthy snack Next time you go to the movies, try these alternative healthy snack options that are offered. Enjoy those snacks and a great film! What do you like to have when you go to the movies? Is it hard to get something healthy? Let us know in the comments below!

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