These two events happening in D.C. will help boost holiday spirit this Christmas!

Looking for fun, humor, or classic songs of the season to help usher in the Christmas holiday? Well, we have the short list of some entertaining events to check out in Washington, D.C.!

Christmas with Choral Arts

Famous for its live shows since 1971, the John F. Kennedy Center will host the Choral Arts Society of Washington for two events: "A Family Christmas" on December 16, and "Christmas with Choral Arts" from December 17 to 24. Their musical repertoire will include holiday carols, many seasonal classics, and wonderful sing-alongs for all to enjoy. For more information about the Choral Arts Society of Washington, feel free to check out their website. The full schedule of events at the the Kennedy Center is also available online to check out here.

The Santaland Diaries

Adapted from an autobiographical essay written by David Sedaris and performed live by Broadway actor Cameron Folmar, "The Santaland Diaries" is a humorous look into one man's experiences while broke and working in New York as a Macy's department store elf. Snarky and insightful, this one-man show runs through December 23 at the Drafthouse Comedy Theatre in Washington, D.C. This show is for 18 years and over. Ticket price is $20 and can be purchased online at the Drafthouse Comedy Theater, here.
What is your favorite event to attend for the holidays? Will you be checking out any of these? Let us know in the comments section.

Kids can call Santa on this special hotline! 

Chris Wiegand
I write awesome things, apparently!