Hurricanes are no joke. Here are four members of the news media who put themselves in the way of a hurricane—and lived to tell about it.

**Disclaimer: The antics of these journalists are by no means encouraged. Don't be stupid. In the wake of violent, catastrophic hurricanes, please stay inside.

Hurricane Irma | Florida | 2017

And one more from Irma:

Hurricane Jeanne | Florida | 2004

Hurricane Ike | Texas | 2008

Bonus Video: Hurricane Florence | North Carolina | 2018

And here's one more video clip for fun. In this one, the reporter is clearly a drama queen. Check out the cool dudes sauntering effortlessly across the street behind him!

What's your hurricane survival story? What's your advice to newbies who've never weathered a hurricane before? Tell us in the comments below!

J. Moore
A synesthete who sees the world in vivid color, Joy is all about soaking up life experiences -- and then translating those experiences into words. Freckle-faced and coffee-fueled, Joy is on a personal quest to visit all 50 states in her lifetime (40 down!), see all the Broadway musicals, and eat all the tacos. For fun, she plays the piano, diagrams sentences, and solves true crime stories from her couch, along with her husband of 20 years and their teenage daughter.