Here's how you can take advantage of free shipping from thousands of retailers today.

Holiday shopping is in high gear as everyone tries to get those final purchases made and shipped in time for Christmas Day. Those still looking for a bargain will find one today in the form of Free Shipping Day 2020. Thousands of retailers are participating in this once-a-year promotional event, offering free shipping and a guarantee of on-time delivery.

The event has been happening since 2008, and every year, more and more businesses participate. It's quickly becoming one of the biggest shopping days of the season, and we can see why. Companies, big and small, participate, with many offering coupons and special deals, along with free shipping. 

How do I participate in Free Shipping Day?

The first step is to check out the Free Shipping Day 2020 website and see what stores are participating. Stores and deals can be searched by name, category, popularity, or looked up alphabetically. 

The list of participating retailers is huge and includes some big-name stores like Target, Barnes & Noble, Kohls, Express, World Market, J. Crew, Brookstone, Overstock, PetSmart, Macy’s, GameStop, Zales, American Eagle, TOMS, Sephora, Sears, and more. Plenty of smaller and local businesses are participating as well.

So, if you're looking to finish up that shopping and want to find a bargain, today's a day you don't want to miss. You may just find that perfect present ... for yourself! 

Check out a few of the deals we found in a quick Twitter search:




Did you know about Free Shipping Day? Share with us your favorite deals and retailers in the comments so we can check them out!