Ready to recycle?

Target's annual car seat trade-in event will allow customers to return old car seats in exchange for a 20-percent-off Target coupon this month. The coupon can then be used to purchase select Target items, including:

  • a new car seat
  • travel system
  • car seat base
  • stroller
  • baby home gear such as playards, high chairs, swings, and bouncers 

Happening September 13–26, the event will take place at all Target stores. Even smaller-formatted stores will allow this event, so you can go to any Target for a trade-in! Drop boxes to recycle car seats will be placed near Guest Services.

Target maintains that every car seat, whether it's damaged or expired, can be exchanged for a coupon. In order to participate in the program and receive a coupon, you must be enrolled in Target Circle. The coupons can be used through October 3 and will apply to both in-store and online purchases. Only one coupon for Target Circle account is allowed. 

How exactly do you trade your seat in? Simply bring it into a Target store and drop it off at the box, then open up your Target app in order to scan the box code. In your Target app, you should be able to click on "Extra Offers" to obtain your coupon. By clicking on the green check mark, you should then be able to use your coupon or barcode scan at the register.

Target has recycled almost one million car seats since it first introduced this program in April 2016.

Will you be participating? Have any old car seats lying around? Let us know in the comments!

Cassidy Ostergren
Hi! I've lived in the NOVA region most of my life, repping our sports' teams, finding unique and cozy coffee shops to indulge in, and exploring nature hikes I've never visited. I used to live under the mountains in Roanoke, VA as well as a handful of beaches in NC, but good ol' Northern VA had always called me back! I write novels for fun (currently working on a fantasy series that won't have a terrible ending like Game of Thrones, right?), and enjoy reading and diving into new experiences that help me grow.