The Virginia General Assembly's annual Lobby Day , which takes place on Martin Luther King Jr. Day , is usually bustling with commotion as residents who are off work come to the state Capitol to speak with their legislators.

Far fewer people attended this year, as a cold Lobby Day coincided with President Donald Trump's inauguration. But a couple of hundred people showed up to make their cases to lawmakers.

People attend a Second Amendment rights rally hosted by the Virginia Citizens Defense League on Lobby Day on Monday.

Speakers at a Virginia Citizens Defense League rally noted the comparatively small crowd — about 80 people — who showed up to advocate for gun rights.

The scene was a sharp juxtaposition from a gun rights rally in 2020, when thousands of people filled the streets. Still, the gun rights supporters said it’s important for people to meet with their legislators and advocate for their interests.

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Brendan Mooney speaks during a Second Amendment rights rally hosted by the Virginia Citizens Defense League on Lobby Day on Monday.

John Fenter drove to Richmond from Virginia Beach on Monday morning, as he does each year, and attended the rally in the freezing cold.

“These are my people,” said Fenter, who has served on the VCDL board. “We're here to make sure we keep our gun rights or get back the ones that they've just taken away.”

Del. Eric Zehr, R-Campbell, started his speech by saying he does not understand how guns hurt people.

“This is my second year in Richmond, and I am still trying to wrap my mind around the thought process that goes on here that says that guns somehow hurt people.

"We know that guns save lives. Our Founding Fathers knew also that guns do save lives,” Zehr said.

Virginia Citizens Defense League board member Bruce Jackson holds up a sign during a Second Amendment rights rally on Lobby Day on Monday.

Inside the General Assembly Building, the hallways that are usually packed with residents from across the state on Lobby Day were almost empty during the prime visiting hour between morning committee meetings and the floor sessions.

The cafeteria that is usually jammed with people sporting buttons and T-shirts highlighting their issues was instead the preserve of the lobbyists and legislative staff who are there every day during the legislative session.

"Where is everybody? It’s Lobby Day," said Susan Gaston, a lobbyist who represents several business groups.

Jim Irvine attends a Second Amendment rights rally hosted by the Virginia Citizens Defense League on Lobby Day on Monday.

One of the few who traveled from out of town on the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday was Alan Turner, who drove down from Herndon in Fairfax County to call for more oversight of data centers.

"It's my first time," Turner said. "It took a lot of research on the issue and the bills."

He met with Del. Irene Shin, D-Fairfax, early in the morning and was headed in to catch state Sen. Stella Pekarsky, D-Fairfax, before the Senate convened at noon.

"It's important to let our representatives know how we feel," Turner said. "We also want to thank them for the stands they take."

Photos: Second Amendment rally at Capitol Square in Richmond

Brendan Mooney speaks during a Second Amendment rights rally hosted by Virginia Citizens Defense League on lobby day, Monday, Jan. 20, 2025.

People attend a Second Amendment rights rally hosted by Virginia Citizens Defense League on lobby day, Monday, Jan. 20, 2025.

Virginia Citizens Defense League Board Member Bruce Jackson holds up a sign during a Second Amendment rights rally on lobby day, Monday, Jan. 20, 2025.

Virginia Citizens Defense League board member Bruce Jackson holds up a sign during a Second Amendment rights rally on Lobby Day on Monday.

Jim Irvine attends a Second Amendment rights rally hosted by the Virginia Citizens Defense League on Lobby Day on Monday.

People attend a Second Amendment rights rally hosted by Virginia Citizens Defense League on lobby day, Monday, Jan. 20, 2025.

Brendan Mooney speaks during a Second Amendment rights rally hosted by the Virginia Citizens Defense League on Lobby Day on Monday.

Del. Eric Zehr, R-Campbell, and Virginia Citizens Defense League President Philip Van Cleave shake hands during a Second Amendment rights rally on lobby day, Monday, Jan. 20, 2025.

People attend a Second Amendment rights rally hosted by the Virginia Citizens Defense League on Lobby Day on Monday.

People attend a Second Amendment rights rally hosted by Virginia Citizens Defense League on lobby day, Monday, Jan. 20, 2025.

Virginia Citizens Defense League President Philip Van Cleave speaks to a crowd of about 80 during a Second Amendment rights rally on lobby day, Monday, Jan. 20, 2025.