The group had been whale-watching when hundreds of dolphins came alongside their boat.

What do you get when you go whale-watching off the coast of Newport Beach in California? (Hint: it's not whales.) It's hundreds of dolphins! Recently, a video went viral for showcasing hundreds of dolphins swimming alongside a whale-watching boat. And it's truly a feat to be seen!

It's estimated that about 400 dolphins were "stampeding" off the California coast, according to Newport Whales.

Watch the incredible video of the dolphins below:

Have you ever seen something so majestic? Any other incredible animal videos we should share? Email us at [email protected]. And don't forget to sign-up for our newsletter so you're up-to-date on the latest and greatest. 

Kristina Shriver
Associate Director of Our Community Now. When not writing or reading, Kristina likes to dance like no one is watching and enjoys speaking in vague movie references/quotes, which only a select few in her circle truly understand. A huge nerd, she loves attending comic book conventions (in costume, of course!) and engaging in geek-fueled conversations with anyone who is willing to listen to her ramble. She also dedicates her spare time to supporting various mental health organizations.