Your answers made us both cringe and sympathize ...

*Originally published in 2019:

When it comes to grammar, we here at Our Community Now can be some real sticklers—just ask the non-writers in our office! We decided to take our love of grammar to Facebook, to ask you: What are some phrases and words you ALWAYS hear people say wrong?

Needless to say, your answers made us both cringe and sympathize ...


Just starting with the most cringe right off the bat, huh?


How contradictory. If you say this, please understand how wrong this is. Something cannot be both centered—and around—something else.


As someone who is both obsessed with grammar, but FROM the Northeast, I'm torn.


Again ... cringe.


Some of you even gave us etymology lessons, which we wholeheartedly appreciate.


People inserting "th" into words is one of the most frustrating things to hear.


Are you trying to be clear about something? Or talking about an ocean? THEY ARE DIFFERENT THINGS.


As someone who constantly corrects people on this one, I wholeheartedly appreciate this chart—I've saved it to my phone for future corrections.


MOOOOT. It is NOT a moot point that it's "MOOT" point—not mute. Also, the improper use of "moot point" as a whole. When something is "moot," it means it is a debatable question, or "an issue open to argument." It may also mean an irrelevant question with no importance. Most common example: "It's a moot point whether the chicken or the egg came first."


Sure, this one isn't so much a grammar issue ... but it is a correction nonetheless!


Who has said this? I need names, addresses ... I need to write a letter to this person describing how wrong they are right now.


The last one was already said, but the first two are so spot on and speak to me so much I may cry. Aside from these common linguistic fallacies, our Colorado followers also offered up several Colorado-themed words that people commonly get wrong:





Thanks to our communities for contributing their frustration! We were both pleased and irked!! Did we miss any commonly misused words or phrases? Let us know in the comments below!

OCN Staff Writer
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