is a free website that allows mourners to create a tribute to those lost to the virus. 

Mother-and-daughter team Megan and Samantha Shoflick, of Denver, are doing some good amid the pandemic. The pair decided that they wanted to help find a way for people to celebrate their loved ones lost to the virus, for free. After acquiring some professional assistance and weeks of work, they developed a brand-new website. provides a free platform to create a memorial page for someone lost to the virus. Each page allows for the uploading of photographs and videos, as well as a guestbook, eulogy/biography, memories of the deceased, and a link to their virtual service. There are also places to link to a favorite charity of the deceased so that donations can be made in their memory. 

Memorial pages can be public or private, and the website can be translated into several different languages. Go to the website or follow them on Instagram and Facebook to learn more.

This is a beautiful way to remember someone lost to this terrible virus and to connect with others who want to celebrate their lives. Our thanks to the Shoflick family for not giving up not their idea and for providing this platform to help others. You ladies are true lights in the darkness.

What do you think about this new way to create a virtual memorial for loved ones? How have you been impacted by the virus? Let us know in the comments below.