ORLANDO, Fla. – News 6 traffic safety expert Trooper Steve Montiero answers viewer questions about the rules of the road every week, helping Florida residents become better drivers by being better educated. Florida has not had vehicle inspections, unlike several northern states, for quite some time, Trooper Steve said. “In the early ‘80s, Gov. Bob Graham ended vehicle inspections. About 10 years later, they were reinstated until 2001 when Gov. Jeb Bush stopped them due to costs,” Trooper Steve said. Florida does not require annual vehicle inspections, but there are some laws on the books that allow law-enforcement to keep smoky vehicles off the road, he added. Florida Statute 316.272 (2 ) says, “The engine and power mechanism of every motor vehicle shall be so equipped and adjusted as to prevent the escape of excessive fumes or smoke.” And Florida Statute 316.2935 discusses air pollution control equipment. If you have a question for Trooper Steve, submit it here . For more Ask Trooper Steve content, click or tap here .