*Originally published on October 23, 2019
Updated on October 29, 2024:

Snow has arrived in Colorado, and you've got to make sure your vehicle is up to the task this coming winter season. Better yet, do it now so that when that day comes, you can focus on what you live in Denver for: fresh Colorado "champagne."

With that said, let's run through the basics of preparing your vehicle for winter.

Winterize Your Vehicle Checklist:

1. Make sure your tires are up to the task

A good set of winter tires can make all the difference; in some cases, the law requires them. If you're traveling on I-70, you must have a set of winter tires, a tire sock, chains, all-wheel-drive, 4-wheel-drive, or mud/snow tires with the M+S designation. Your tires also must possess a minimum of 1/8th of tread depth.

If you're not sure how to check, use the quarter test or ask a professional to check for you.

2. Check your battery

According to AAA's Automotive Research Center, a car battery can lose about 60 percent of its strength at 0 degrees Fahrenheit. At 32 degrees, it loses about 35 percent of its function. That's because your basic automotive battery features lead plates in an electrolyte solution, causing an electrochemical reaction that is accelerated or decelerated by temperature. You can ask your local auto parts store or mechanic to check your battery. Or, if you have a multimeter, you can perform the test yourself and do your research.

3. Ensure all of your systems are working properly 

Did you know that a faulty engine cooling system can affect your heat? That's because the hot antifreeze exiting the engine block is pumped through a heater core, which heats the air that your vehicle's fan pumps through the vents. Test your heat, and if you suspect it's not as hot as it should be, contact your local mechanic. You don't want to be caught without a way to defrost your windshield, and don't forget to top off your windshield wiper fluid while you're at it! 

4. Speaking of windshields ...

If you have bad windshield wipers now, they'll only get worse in the winter. Don't be reckless; replace them. Many places will even do it for free; all you have to do is buy them. 

5. Have an emergency winter car kit—especially if you plan on making frequent trips to the mountains. 

Everyone's emergency kit is different, but make sure you at least cover the basics, including a shovel, a windshield scraper, jumper cables, high energy bars, bottled water, a flashlight with extra batteries, a pocket knife, a lighter, cat litter, a few flares, extra blankets and clothing, necessary medications, and a tow strap. Additional items could include hand warmers, a whistle, phone chargers, etc.

*Pro tip: Keep your car's fuel tank at least half full and always ensure that your tailpipe isn't obstructed by snow, as it can cause deadly Carbon Monoxide gas to enter the cabin.

Kristina Shriver
Director of Our Community Now. When not writing or reading, Kristina likes to dance like no one is watching and enjoys speaking in vague movie references/quotes, which only a select few in her circle truly understand. A huge nerd, she loves attending comic book conventions (in costume, of course!) and engaging in geek-fueled conversations with anyone who is willing to listen to her ramble. She also dedicates her spare time to supporting various mental health organizations.