GREELEY, Colo. (KUSA) – A Colorado woman went into labor, but she wasn’t able to make it to the hospital in time.

So, Tiffany Leonard ended up giving birth to a boy on her neighbor’s porch.

And then she did it again … and again.

“I felt like I had just been run over by a truck, or three,” Leonard described.

Some bumps are bigger than others.

“I would call that definitely a pothole,” Eric Mayeda, the father of the triplets, said.

Nothing was going to slow this baby down.

“I’m sitting in the driver’s seat, and I started having really bad contractions,” Leonard said. “It was happening fast.”

She was just a few doors down from a friend’s house when her labor started.

It was also 32 degrees and snowing when her water broke at 3 a.m. on April 18.

“I just kind of laid back on his porch and banged on his door, and honestly, that’s the rest of the energy that I had at all,” Leonard said.

Greeley police were actually called to the scene for a screaming woman.

“And they’re like, ‘Are you having a miscarriage?’ I’m like, ‘No, no, there’s a baby in my pants right now as we’re speaking to each other,’” Leonard added.

He arrived early; her due date wasn’t for another 14 weeks.

“I didn’t want to touch him. I didn’t want to break him because he’s super, super small,” Leonard said.

And he wasn’t alone.

“He’s like, ‘How many are you expecting?’ And I said, ‘Triplets,’ and their eyes widened,” Leonard said. “And they were like, ‘Oh crap, we should probably call more medics.’”

Moments later, out came baby No. 2.

That’s when Mayeda learned his boys had arrived.

“The nurse had told me the third one was born via C-section and that they were all alive,” Mayeda said. “They were all breathing. Everything was good. They all had heartbeats.”

Burt, Billy Bob and Kikutaro, each one weighing just about 2 pounds.

“It looked like I could’ve picked up all three of them and just held all three of them in my two hands,” Mayeda remembered.

Leonard said all three are “doing good and they’re striving.”

With three new baby boys, the couple is ready for whatever bumps come their way, though their journey as a family is just getting started.

“I would say hopefully smooth sailing,” Mayeda said. “That’s what we’re hoping for, but as we all know, life doesn’t go as according to plan.”

All three boys are at the neonatal intensive care unit at the University of Colorado Hospital.

Leonard and Mayeda make the 70-mile, one-way drive nearly every day to visit them.

It’s expected to be at least four months until the boys get to go home.