Lest we not forget the internet images that made this year at least tolerable. I give you, 2016 memes - The Memeorial.

This past year was riddled with controversy, negativity, and plenty of Facebook-comment battles. Despite the turmoil 2016 is now known for, there are some redeemable qualities of the year - Super dank 2016 memes.

Zodiac Killer Ted [gallery size="large" columns="2" ids="6754,6763,6745"] One of my personal favorite 2016 memes. Springing from a 2013 tweet suggesting the Republican candidate and infamous late ‘60s early ‘70s murder are the same person. In spite of unmatched timelines and overall facts, of course the internet went crazy with the fake connection. In natural internet fashion people RAN with the concept, creating memes making wild and hilarious connections to further “prove” the creepiest candidate in my lifetime is in fact the Zodiac Killer. I mean… You be the judge...   Water bottle flip challenge 2016 Memes To further younger generations continued belief that anyone can be famous for the most minute “talents,” the water bottle challenge ironically addressed this concept by literally making flipping a water bottle a huge freakin’ deal. Go figure.   Arthur’s Fist [gallery size="large" ids="6755,6744"] One of the best 2016 memes to encapsulate the daily frustrations we feel in life. Perfect for any 2016 happening or just typical life-stuff in general. Different variations of these meme sprang up, including the controversial “contemporary art” Arthur’s fist.   Florida Man [gallery size="large" ids="6756,6753,6752,6747,6749"] Ah, Florida Man. Florida man has been around for a long time, but it didn’t pick up speed on more conventional social media sites until 2016. Oh Florida man, you so crazy.   Roses are Red [gallery size="large" ids="6766,6762,6748"] Elevating the concept of ridiculous news stories via “Florida Man” the Roses are Red meme was a hilarious play on a classic poem that also brought attention to some pretty ridiculous news stories. Or just overly ridiculous things that were said.    Balloon Hillary 2016 Memes It speaks for itself. Don’t talk to me or my son… 2016 Memes Another great example of how hilarious the people of the internet were in regards to 2016 memes. Hundreds of these memes circulated around and gave us all a great chance for a sensible chuckle.   Trump [gallery size="large" ids="6764,6765"] Just in general. Our President Elect gave the people of the internet a plethora of material for hilarious social media fodder. The things he said, the tweets he tweeted, just him in general. Meme gold mind. Sorry Trump, look forward to 4 more years of internet meme-age.   Blurry Mr. Crabs 2016 Memes The perfect representation on how we all feel while being caught off guard.   Hodor 2016 Memes I’m sure simply mentioning the name brought some up some hard emotions. The infamous and heartbreaking Hodor scene was the catalyst for this meme, reminding us all that we never know what we have until it’s gone. We will never hear the phrase “hold the door” the same again.   DJ Kahled 2016 Memes Perfect for almost every unfortunate thing that happened in 2016. While I’m not personally a DJ Kahled fan, I have to admit this is one of the most perfectly placed 2016 memes.   Biden Memes 2016 Memes2016 Memes While “Silly Biden” memes were not new in 2016, Obama’s inevitable leaving of office, and Trumps eventual presidency sparked an avalanche of hilarious Biden memes branching from silly pranks to his and Obama’s bromance. FLOTUS even made an appearance in a few.   Harambe 2016 Memes I was told to add this one. I didn’t want to because honestly it was definitely one of the most annoying 2016 memes. Harambe’s death was unfortunate and avoidable, the internet was upset and decided to draw it out to no end… as the internet does.   Bone App the Teeth 2016 Memes Also, not technically started in 2016 - terrible food pictures coupled with the naive assumptions that these individuals made a gourmet meal have been around for awhile now. Starting with the “know how to treat your man” memes with disgusting meals. “Bone App the Teeth” took off and created a slew of memes with hilarious variations of wordplay resembling “Bon Appetit.” My personal favorite is a crafty meta play on words, “Osteoporosis,” which can be linked to “Bone Atrophy”... get it? Hilarious.

If you want to not be like me and get away from the internet and memes for a while, check out these extremely dangerous mountain passes you can visit! 

Magalie Noebes
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