For the sixth year in a row, Pizza Republica saw huge success with their No Kids Left Behind Toy Drive!

On December 10, the folks over at Pizza Republica got to once again take a huge load of donated toys and gifts to the Rocky Mountain Children's Health Foundation. Thanks to some incredibly generous donors at their toy drive, they stuffed several cars as full of toys as they possibly could and drove them to the Health Foundation. Thanks to Pizza Republica and their toy drive, this year's holiday season is going to be brighter for a bunch of kids who truly deserve it!
For the past six years, Pizza Republica has worked closely with the Rocky Mountain Children's Health Foundation to bring a special holiday surprise. Their goal every year? To completely fill the toy room at the Health Foundation and bring a little bit of joy to the kids who could really use a happy holiday surprise.

As you can see, the toy drive was a huge success!

[gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="29138,29139,29140,29141,29142,29143,29144,29145,29146,29147" orderby="rand"] The Rocky Mountain Children's Health Foundation doesn't just operate during the holidays. They're a year-round charity that assists sick children. From supplying donor milk to babies in the NICU to matching children suffering from serious medical conditions with companion dogs, to training nurses and medical support staff, their impact is felt by over 3,000 pediatric patients and their families throughout Colorado. As they've said in previous years, everyone at the Health Foundations incredibly grateful to the folks at Pizza Republica and everyone who came to the toy drive and donated to such a good cause. It's heartwarming to see people from all walks of life coming together to show support to kids who really need it. Pizza Republica and Rocky Mountain Children's Health Foundation, keep doing great work!

Want to give your kids their own treat? They can call Santa and leave him a voicemail!

Chris Wiegand
I write awesome things, apparently!