Guns ownership requires proper safety practices.

May 25th brought about another devastating school shooting, this time, in Texas. In this awful attack, 19 children and 2 teachers lost their lives. We are all incredibly saddened to hear of another situation in which innocent lives were causalities in a pointless and cruel act. There is no place where this is acceptable.

Simply put, some people are just not practicing proper gun usage. Owning a gun requires a certain type of responsibility that some people do not have. In light of the recent events, it is important that we remind ourselves and others how to safely own and operate a gun.

It is our hope that these horrific tragedies will be put to an end. We do not want to see any more lives lost due to the carelessness and cruelty of some people who do not represent the values of proper gun ownership. This irresponsibility is far from an appropriate way to handle the immense responsibility that comes with owning a gun.

There are various safety protocols to be aware of if you plan on owning and operating a gun. We are going to cover some of those today. These include demystifying guns, treating every gun as loaded, and proper gun storage.

Demystify Guns

Oftentimes, people will want something that they can't have or is hidden—especially children. While we do not recommend storing guns within reach of children, we do think it is beneficial to have discussions with your kids about guns. Open and honest conversations lead to further knowledge and safety around subjects, and this applies to guns.

Your children may be interested in guns, and rather than avoiding the topic, embracing the opportunity for education is the better way to go. Stress the importance of gun safety and the appropriate circumstances to use guns. If they are old enough, you may take them to a shooting range and show them the proper way to handle a gun, under your supervision. DCF Guns is a good place to check out in the Denver area, where safety is at the forefront of their practice.

Treat Every Gun As Loaded

Even if you believe the gun to be unloaded, you should treat it as if it is loaded. Oftentimes, people believe that their guns are not loaded, or don't bother to verify, and this results in many accidental deaths. It is always important to practice awareness and carefulness when handling something as serious as a gun. This is not the time to be flippant or cocky. Remember, never assume that a gun is not loaded. 

Storing Your Guns Properly

Proper gun storage is an essential aspect of being an accountable gun owner. You will want to be sure that your firearms and ammunition are stored and locked safely. Your guns should be stored unloaded. You should secure your guns with a trigger lock, biometric lock, gun case, strongbox, gun cabinet, or gun safe. There are plenty of options available when it comes to safely store your guns, so there is no excuse for leaving them lying around or loaded.

Protecting your children and your community through responsible gun ownership is important so that we can live in a world where these tragedies are few and far between, or even better, they completely stop. It can be exhausting to hear about people who abuse their gun rights by not following proper gun safety practices.

We hope that everyone will keep an emphasis on safety practices in mind when it comes to guns because they are not something to be taken lightly. You have the right to own a gun, but with that comes the responsibility to do so safely.

While this is not a comprehensive list of proper gun ownership protocols, it is a great starting point for important things to keep at the forefront of your brain.

Helaina Cozza
Helaina is a content writer for OCN. She is a Colorado transplant and loves the Colorado lifestyle. Some activities she enjoys are skiing, going to concerts, and hiking.