Spring is right around the corner. Here are some helpful ideas to help you get your home spruced up!

Spring is the perfect time to get organized! It may be overwhelming, but decluttering and getting organized will make you feel so much better. Once everything's in the proper place, you will feel more confident about inviting friends and family over. It’s a lot easier than hiding stuff in empty boxes! Not to say that’s what I do ... but I do. 

Clear That Closet!

Is your closet overrun with clothes that are dusty for lack of wearing? Now may be the perfect time to clear them out. Take everything out (I know that seems daunting) and decide which clothes you wear and others you have been saving for a "special" day. You will feel great having the extra space, and after you donate them to a worthy cause, you'll know you made a difference in someone's life, too. [caption id="attachment_30993" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]organized Photo courtesy of HGTV.com[/caption]

Freshen Up Your Bed.

It may sound strange, but you should vacuum your bed with a crevice tool. You don't need to do this every time you wash your sheets, but an annual cleaning of your mattress and box springs will do wonders. If you're like me, you will enjoy seeing what ends up in the vacuum canister! [caption id="attachment_30995" align="aligncenter" width="980"]organized Photo Courtesy of Good Housekeeping[/caption]

Dump Out the Junk Drawers.

Do you have a junk drawer? Empty it and get rid of everything you don't use or recognize. At first, it will be hard not to keep those paperclips or old packs of gum, or other random items that you think you might need one day, but I know you can do it. Throw it all away and start fresh! [caption id="attachment_30997" align="aligncenter" width="650"]organized Photo Courtesy of Two Twenty One[/caption]

Spruce Up Your Deck.

With the warmer weather, you'll soon be enjoying the outdoors on a regular basis, so it's time to clean your patio furniture. The best way to do it is to remove your cushions and use warm water with dish detergent to wipe down your chairs and tables. Hose them off and let them air dry. [caption id="attachment_30994" align="aligncenter" width="600"]organized Photo Courtesy of AFW[/caption] We hope these spring cleaning ideas will help you get a jump start on organizing your home. Will you be doing any spring cleaning? What other tips do you have? Please share in the comments below!

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Chris Wiegand
I write awesome things, apparently!