People are looking on the bright side and putting up their Christmas lights to spread a little cheer during these dark times.

With schools shutting down, parents working from home, and stores closing all across the country, we all need to see the light at the end of the tunnel in order to help us stay calm and get through it. Therefore, during these dark times of uncertainty, people are lighting up the night and helping their neighbors feel a little less fearful. 

In the midst of a global pandemic, people all over the nation are coming together as a community to bring back Christmas when we all need it the most. The movement started on Twitter as people stuck inside their homes decided to put up Christmas lights for all of their neighbors to see.

These lights serve as a beacon of hope in a dark time and help to show that we're all in this together. Since Christmas brings happiness and joy, it's exactly what we all need amidst all the negative news and uncertainty. 

Although no one really knows who started the brilliant idea, the trend has taken off on Twitter through the hashtags #LightsforLife and #CoronaKindness. Twitter users decorate their houses with Christmas lights and post either a photo or video with the hashtags in order to share it with the world. According to one user, "There are dark times ahead, but I can still put love & light out into the world." 

The movement isn't only alive through social media. It's also great for families that are stuck at home and are in need of something to do. Now, parents can go out for a drive through decorated neighborhoods to remind their children that the darkness isn't something to fear and that there is still light and hope out there. 

So turn on your lights and spread some cheer from wherever you are. Take some photos of your ray of light against the gloom and share it with the hashtags #LightsForLife and #CoronaKindness. We can't wait to see what you come up with! 

Has anybody in your neighborhood put up their Christmas lights? Are you planning to? Tell us in the comments!