Brace yourselves, Colorado. Winter is coming.
We may be in the heat of summer, with nearly 100-degree days at times, but with fall on the horizon, winter isn't far behind. And the Farmers' Almanac has released its predictions for Winter 2024–2025, and Colorado is looking cold and wet.
According to the almanac, Colorado should expect to be "downright frigid, with lots of fall flakes and rain."
Halloween may be a bit gusty this year, according to the Farmers' Alamanc, which is also predicting that November 8–11 could see an early season of heavy snowfall.
So, how accurate is the Farmers' Almanac? Using a hush-hush astronomical and mathematical formula that "relies on sunspot activity, tidal actions, planetary position, and many other factors," it's been fairly spot-on for the last several years.
The Farmers' Almanac has been predicting the weather since 1819.