The goal is to provide off-leash hours at Denver's city parks between 9 p.m. and 9 a.m.

Mary Francis launched a petition titled "Denver off-leash Dogs" on two weeks ago, and the movement is gaining popularity. 

The petition proposes off-leash hours for dogs at Denver city parks overnight, from 9 p.m. until 9 a.m.—New York City already has a similar rule in place. 

According to Francis' petition, the Denver community faces growing tension as dog owners need to socialize and exercise their dogs, but there's not enough space. She also recognized the importance of respecting others' needs to benefit from the public space. 

Francis set the goal to get 1,500 people to sign the petition. So far, just over 1,000 have signed. 

On the petition page, Francis outlined New York City's history of community tension with off-leash dogs in the park. 

"The parks were not meeting dog-owner needs to socialize and exercise their dogs, and dog owners were using city parks as off-leash areas," the page reads. "The New York City Park Commission came up with a compromise; he allowed dogs to be off-leash in certain specified parks, in certain locations between 9 p.m. and 9 a.m."

According to the petition, commissioners noted that people in the park at night and early in the morning lowered crime and reduced dog bite incidences. The New York program grew as a positive result.

The petition asks the City of Denver to pilot New York City's off-leash program by modifying chapter eight of Denver's Code of Ordinances and allowing dogs off-leash during certain hours. 

Read more about the petition here

How do you feel about allowed off-leash dogs in the parks during certain hours? Let us know in the comments. 

Taylor Dean
When she's not exploring Colorado or walking her dogs, Taylor's at the rink, tearing up the ice with jumps and spins. She loves discovering new places to eat around Colorado and finding unique trails to hike with friends.