Guess this makes C-470 a literal sh*t show ...

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office announced the temporary closure of the I-70 Westbound and C-470 exit on Thursday morning due to 40,000 pounds of chicken manure fertilizer getting spilled. What a crappy way to start off the morning!

According to the Sheriff’s Office, the semi-truck was traveling on I-70 and blew a tire, causing the truck to flip over onto the exit ramp. The 40,000 pounds of manure then spilled out all over the road. Thankfully, no one was hurt.

The area's expected to be closed for a few hours while the mess is cleaned up. And it's not gonna be easy ... 

The truck will need to be towed away and the manure cleaned up off the highway. All of this will likely cause some traffic issues for a few hours this morning, so proceed with caution.

The Golden Fire Department is on hand to assist with the situation. Drivers are asked to avoid the area for the next several hours.