Millions of people are hunkering down this week under city-, county-, and state-mandated stay-at-home orders. Here's exactly what that means.

According to Colorado's Tri-County Health Department, here's what you can and can't do during the stay-at-home order being issued in multiple counties in Colorado.

What You Can Do

  • Get groceries, food (via takeout, drive-thru, food banks/pantries) or other essential household items
  • Visit a healthcare professional
  • Get medical care for you, a family member, or your pet
  • Get medical supplies or medication
  • Get necessary supplies to work from home
  • Pick up materials from your child’s school necessary for distance learning (e.g., tablet, books)
  • Go outside for physical activity (as long as you stay at least 6 feet away from people who do not live in your household)
  • Go to work, ONLY if you provide essential products or services at an essential business such as:
    • Health care operations
    • Infrastructure operations and maintenance
    • Certain essential government functions
    • Grocery stores, supermarkets, food banks, convenience stores, and other establishments engaged in the retail sale of food
    • Businesses that provide food, shelter, and social services, and other necessities of life
    • Gas stations
    • Newspapers, television, radio, and other media services
    • Hardware stores
    • Banks and financial institutions 

What You Can't Do

  • Hold in-person public or private gatherings of any kind with people who live outside of your residence
  • Go to bars and restaurants (except for pick-up and carry-out)
  • Visit hair and nail salons or tattoo shops
  • Go to gyms and recreation centers
  • Recreate at playgrounds, picnic areas, golf courses, tennis courts, or basketball courts
  • Travel, except to get essential services or medical care 
  • Carpool with anyone outside your residence

Other FAQs

My school is providing free grab-and-go meals? Are those still happening?

  • Yes, but please check with your school district to verify that these services are taking place.

Are daycares still open? Can my babysitter still come to the house?

  • Yes, but only for children of parents working in essential sectors. (Daycare centers that remain open should employ increased cleaning practices and distancing requirements. Babysitters are allowed to care for minors of parents working in essential sectors.)

What if I need to visit a health care provider?

  • If you are feeling sick with COVID-like symptoms (coughing, fever, shortness of breath), please first call your doctor, a nurse hotline, or an urgent care center. If you need to go to the hospital, call ahead so they can prepare for your arrival. If you need to call 911, tell the 911 operator the exact symptoms you are experiencing so the ambulance provider can prepare to treat you safely.

Can I still exercise?

  • Yes, as long as you go outside and use social distancing from others (at least six feet from people who aren’t part of your household).

Can people still go hiking?

  • Yes, as long as they continue to practice social distancing of at least six feet and as long as parks are open. This means avoiding crowded trails and parking lots.


These do's and don'ts came from the Tri-County Health Department. If we all do our part, we can help flatten the curve.

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